Selective Emotions Inhibitor | Things I Wish Existed

2 min readOct 27, 2020

Have you ever gone through an emotionally overwhelming situation that left you thinking about it for many days? I bet you have.

Maybe it was a breakup that made you sad throughout the next week or two, or you fell in love with someone and couldn't stop thinking about the person the entire day. Maybe you lost someone close in life and couldn't think straight about anything other than remembering the good moments you spent together, or how you regret not spending more time with them.

Sometimes when we feel emotionally taxed, it can be difficult to focus on other aspects of life that are also very important, such as our work, our diet, or our exercising routine. We've all experienced this at least once in our lifetime. Who never got a massive crush on someone and couldn't think straight for days?

When I remember going through moments like this in life, it makes me wish that some sort of Selective Emotions Inhibitor device should exist.

If such device existed, I wish I could use it and dial in settings such as "disable feelings of loneliness or lovesickness for a week" so I could focus on important work, or really anything else that I need or want to get done. Imagine being able to "dismiss" certain emotions every day during work hours? That would be a blessing.

Think of the possibilities, one could also use this device to "disable feelings of nervousness and shyness for the next couple hours" in the case of preparing to do an important presentation, or when preparing to go through a job interview.

Being able to temporarily disable specific emotions during work hours in order to be totally in focus and have great performance sounds like a very handy ability to wish for. But what could go wrong, if such device existed?

With all the possibilities, I wonder if someone that had a Selective Emotions Inhibitor device would reach a point where they'd disable some emotions and simply never turn them back on. Would such person become “robot-like” or even seem "emotionless" in their social interactions? Rumor has it that certain people already seem to be "lacking of emotions" and already seem to be "robot-like". I just hope they don't have such a device for real, or if they do, I hope they'd share it with the rest of us :D

What are your thoughts? Would you use this device often, if you had the chance?

